Bridgend Craft Collective
In November 2016, a specialist in craft markets was appointed, to look at ways of developing the skilled crafts sector locally, and maximising the economic potential for high-quality, locally made crafts in the area. They also assessed the ways in which taking part in crafts can help to decrease social isolation and increase wellbeing in the elderly and socially isolated, including those who are housebound.
Bridgend Local Action Group went on to develop a pilot project, with the aim of identifying and developing a financially sustainable business model that would support the network’s activities, hubs and training – either through linking with existing businesses or organisations or establishing a new business or social enterprise. The project aimed to improve economic potential and increase skills in the area, while also decreasing social isolation and improving well-being. As well as supporting the creation of a craft network, the project looked to establish opportunities for training and mentoring, mini craft hubs and an income strategy for the network.