Bettws Community Strategy
The Bettws Forum was set up with the aim to address local issues and improve the village of Bettws which is one of the most deprived wards in Bridgend. The Forum members are local residents and there are also representatives from the public, private and third sectors. The members of the Bettws Forum acting as the representatives of the local community identified the need for a scoping consultative exercise leading to a deliverable 5 year Bettws Community Development Plan and SMART Action Plan on 4 priorities –
- Public Transport – Working with the community transport provider to ensure local people can access services and activities. Liaising with BCBC to propose a change in the bus route to a new stop at the nearest shopping centre.
- Housing – Working with the Social Landlord to plan future developments in the village
- Sport and Recreation – Working with the new primary school to establish a sport hub in the grounds that can be used out of school hours by sporting groups.
- Community Regeneration – Working with Awen the Cultural Trust to renovate the community centre
A consultant was appointed and carried out consultation with residents through a variety of means – door to door, addressing community groups, pop ups in the local community centre, social media etc.
Based on the feedback a bespoke 5 year Bettws Community Plan and SMART Action Plan that aligns with the Bridgend Council Corporate Plan and Local Development Plan was produced ensuring that the Bettws Plan delivers corporate strategic aims locally and can access potential funding streams to achieve these aims.
The Plan had 8 proposals to address the priorities.