Coity Higher Community Centre
The Reach team are supporting Coity Higher Community Council with a feasibility study to explore improvement options for Coity Higher & Litchard Cross Community Centre. Coity Higher Community Council (CHCC) are seeking an asset transfer of Coity Higher & Litchard Cross Community Centre. CHCC’s vision is to transform the community centre, make it sustainable and redefine its purpose, to enable them to provide a suitable building for local voluntary groups and various sports clubs.
The feasibility study will undertake research for the pre-construction period, to explore the condition of the building; potentials for structural reconfiguration; the extent of asbestos; accessibility to and around the building; adequacy of vehicular access and parking; availability of mains services; provide costings for improvements, record visible building defects that require remedial works and establish which building elements require upgrading to meet current building regulations.