Lads & Dads Business Feasibility Study

Lads & Dads are a men’s well-being group helping to improve the wellbeing of their members, through walking sessions, facilitating talking groups and offering one on one support. The Reach team are supporting Lads and Dads CIC to develop a bespoke feasibility study. The study will consider how much capacity the organisation has to generate funds by trading, identify external funding sources, conduct a member survey and undertake an activity audit. The findings will be finalised in the form of a realistic 5-year plan for the CIC to deliver their vision of supporting the well-being of men in Bridgend.

Lads and Dads has over 2000 people in their social media group and often meet face to face for mutual support. They offer various activities each week, including an allotment session, walking, group chats, football games and cold-water dips.  They are seeking support to plan the project, to enable them to extend their offer and provide well-being support to even more men in Bridgend County.

Lads & Dads Men Wellbeing CIC

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