Rest Bay Sports Improvement Project
The Reach team are working with Rest Bay Sports to commission a specialist consultant to undertake a detailed feasibility study for improvement of the pitches and changing facilities at Rest Bay in Porthcawl.
Rest Bay Sports was founded in 2016 to manage the sports ground and pavilion in Rest Bay, Porthcawl. Rest Bay Sports Ltd have taken over the lease of the site as part of the BCBC Community Asset Transfer programme. Since the transfer was undertaken, the community football and rugby clubs which use the site have significantly increased participation, which is fantastic for the town and local community and has many benefits to the health and wellbeing of the local community. The club believe that the sports pitches and pavilion need to be updated and improved to support this ever-growing demand.
The feasibility study carried out in conjunction with the Reach team will consider the drainage of and potential improvements to the pitches and assess the potential for additional changing rooms to be incorporated.